If you are awesome, and we know you are, then you'll want to click here to download the high resolution (6.71 MB .pdf) version of the FLUKE 2010 flyer, print a few off and stick 'em up anywhere nerds are likely to see them.
We'd especially appreciate the help in Savannah in and around the Savannah College of Art and Design, and also on the Atlanta SCAD campus, but really, anywhere in the world is just fine with us. The city and state aren't on the flyer, as it was made for local use, but I'm pretty sure anyone who would be willing to help us with this is good enough at design to stick an "Athens, GA" on there somewhere. Or at least scrawl it on the printed version with a Sharpie.
Obviously, though, please observe all local rules, laws and ordinances pertaining to the posting of handbills. We don't wanna get hit with some nasty fine just because some Friend of FLUKE in Des Moines or Sault Ste. Marie got all overzealous with the flyerin' and wheatpasted a couple dozen on the mayor's house or whatever.
Thanks for doing our promotional work for us! We love each and every one of you.
EXTRA! EXTRA! STOP THE PRESSES! Patrick Dean has edited the .pdf to include "Athens, GA" at the top! This is great news (we assume)! So, if you're not in Athens and you still want to help us by printing and posting these things, then you can click here to download the "out of town" version of the FLUKE flyer.
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