Friday, February 14, 2025


 Hello, friends. 

Below is a list of the good people you can expect (as of this writing) to see in the 40 Watt Club at FLUKE 2025 on March 29 from 10:00am - 5:00pm.

First, let's acknowledge our sponsors!

  • As always and forever, FLUKE literally would not exist without the best comic book store in the entire world, Bizarro-Wuxtry.
  • We are incredibly excited to have Joey Weiser's new book The Littlest Fighter (published by Oni Press) as a sponsor this year. Joey has been a part of FLUKE for years, volunteering his time, art, and, most importantly, friendship. We love Joey!
  • Speaking of people we love, we're once again brought to you in part by our friends at the Sequential Artists Workshop. SAW is an incredible school and community resource and everyone who loves comics is lucky that they're around. 
  • Remember the lottery drawing for exhibitor spaces? That happened because of the geniuses over at our official streaming partner JokerJoker TV, who bring you weird, wild, and wonderful video art, talk, music, and who knows what else on their weekly show. Tune in this Thursday, why don't you?

And now, here is a list of all of the exhibitors at FLUKE 2025. As is FLUKE's long-standing tradition, any exhibitor who did not send a link to their social media or online portfolio will have their name linked to a YouTube video of monster trucks. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025


 Look at this!

It's the FLUKE 2025 poster!

This was done by our friend Klon, who has been a part of FLUKE for at least the past 400 years. 

Look how good this is!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

FLUKE Pre-Registration update

 Here are some things you might want to know about FLUKE 2025:

FLUKE 2025 will take place on Saturday, March 29 at the 40 Watt Club in Athens, Georgia. 

We're doing a lottery for exhibitor spaces again this year. It worked out okay last year. People seemed to like it, or at least not complain about it too hard if they didn't like it. 

There are 60 exhibitor spaces (an "exhibitor space is half of a 6-foot table) up for grabs in the lottery.

Going back to bold text again here...

Lottery entries for FLUKE 2025 exhibitor spaces will go on sale Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 10:00 am at

Lottery entries will cost $1.00 each.

The online lottery tickets are sold using PayPal as a payment method. If you don't have PayPal, that's okay. Just get in touch with Robert at and he'll make sure you get a lottery entry. You have to do this before Friday, January 17.

Lottery entries will remain on sale for 24 hours. There is no set number of entries for sale. However many lottery entries we sell in 24 hours will be the number of entries in the lottery. 


You cannot buy more than one entry. Any purchase of lottery entries with a total quantity greater than "1" (one) will be refunded and you will not be entered in the drawing. 

If you use multiple emails to try to trick us and get more than one entry, we will find out, and you will be removed from the lottery drawing. Trust us, we will know. Don't get your friends to buy entries for you. Let's not be jerks about this. 

The lottery drawing will take place on Thursday, January 23. It will be live-streamed by our OFFICIAL STREAMING PARTNER, Joker Joker TV.

Everyone who purchases a lottery entry will be contacted with further information after the sales close down on January 18 but before the drawing on January 23. Thanks, as always, for your decades of support. FLUKE loves you. 

For Patrick, forever.


Sunday, December 8, 2024

FLUKE 2025 Pre-Registration Update

 Hi, Friends.

We're excited that it's almost time to start preparations for FLUKE 2025, which will take place on Saturday, March 29 at the 40 Watt Club in downtown Athens, Georgia.

Last year, we did a "lottery-style" pre-registration, and we think it went pretty well. In order to avoid the 60 exhibitor spaces we sell online selling out ridiculously fast, we're going to do the same thing this year.

"Lottery tickets" for exhibitor spaces at FLUKE 2025 will go on sale at 10:00am (Eastern time) on Saturday, January 18. They will remain on sale for 24 hours. You don't need to be in a hurry, as long as you buy an entry in that 24 hour period. Entries will cost $1.00 (one dollar) each. You can ONLY buy one entry. Don't be a jerk and mess this up. We'll find out. However many we sell in that 24 hour period is how many entries there will be. Nothing will change the fact that there are only 60 exhibitor spaces available, so your chances depend on how many people buy a ticket on January 18th. 

We're not sure right now when the drawing will be, but it'll happen in public on a livestream so you can watch it as it happens. 

Good luck. We love you, and we can't wait to see you at the 40 Watt in March.    


Saturday, April 27, 2024

FLUKE Playlists from 2016-2024

We now have a single database of FLUKE playlists from 2016-2024 (there were no 2019 or 2020 playlists due to the pandemic). 

These lists are just metadata. If you want to help us build them out into real, ACTUAL playlists with actual music that can be shared online, fill out this form:

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Patrick Dean-designed FLUKE Dracula shirts available now on the FLUKE Big Cartel site.

Several of you (this is not an exaggeration, and it is something that really happened) asked us to let you know when the Patrick Dean-designed FLUKE Dracula shirts were going to be available again because we sold out of them at the actual event. 

Feel free to tell all of your friends about this.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024


 Apple keeps making it harder and harder for us to copy and paste the artists and titles of all the songs we played at FLUKE off of our somehow-still-working 2010 iPod 7G so we're being lazy and just posting screenshots. You're gonna have to work a little harder if you want to re-create this one at home. Sorry. We love you. 

UPDATE: Playlist (metadata only) here (still needs a few translations)